
Friday, February 16, 2018

The Stockdale Paradox

As an educator, I have often wondered how many other of my colleagues hold a similar view of the state of education. How many maintain a mindset that we have the power and duty to fulfill the charge to pass along our shared experiences and human knowledge from one generation to the next? Currently, I am half way through a book by Jim Collins, Good to Great. Collins wrote, leaders of companies who were instrumental in facilitating a transition in the corporations they worked in, from being good companies to being great companies, did so knowing and understanding the brutal realities and truths of their current situation. They did so, however, with a faith that they would prevail in the end. This is known as the Stockdale Paradox. This paradox is named for a Navy Admiral who was captured and subsequently tortured in a POW camp in Vietnam. He later gave an interview and described how he and the other men in the camp had to face the reality of their situation, but with an unwavering faith that they would inevitably prevail. Startlingly, I read his answer to the question, "who did not make it?" To which he replied, "the optimists".

I have long considered myself an optimist in many things, because I embrace hope and the positive affirmation that I can make a difference in the life of someone now or in the future. I live my life by the creed given to me by my faith: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Maybe the difference is that an optimist may not try and actively change his circumstance, but waits for it to change on its own. Whereas a realist with the Stockdale Paradox in mind will actively work toward improving himself and anything in the situation he can. In which case, I am the latter and not the former.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Common sense online.

About 3 years ago, I became affiliated with the organization known as Common Sense Media. Impressed by their commitment to provide resources and spread awareness of digital citizenship to parents, teachers, and students, I took advantage of the opportunity to partner with them to be a certified educator through their program. Later on a second tier of increased involvement presented itself and I was invited to participate as an ambassador who actively disseminates information to all stakeholders for the benefit of students to sustain positive digital citizenship.

I am proud that Hays CISD embraces the call to action and is taking steps to better ensure that students stay safe online in school and at home. The internet can be a perilous destination, but with the help of tools, resources, and educational activities, we can combat the hazards that plague those who are caught unaware. Hays CISD has earned the distinction as a certified Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship District. This means that Hays has provided its students and parents with information, and resources through lessons in classrooms, parent information events through community gatherings and a number of other engagements both face to face and digitally. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be an agent of change where I know that my efforts and the efforts of those who are of the same mind can help to protect our students now and in the future by equipping them with the knowledge to foster positive digital citizenship and maintain a good digital footprint.