
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hays CISD Digital Learning Team

I would like to give a shout out to my director, Jamie Locklin for his skill in forming and maintaining a cohesive and supportive Digital Learning Team. If you are interested in great ideas and ways to integrate technology into your school/classroom, he is the Jedi Master, which, I guess would make me his Padawan (I'm good with that). I am honored to be given the opportunity to learn and to help my district become more tech integrated.

When I applied for this position I was sure that there would be many more other highly qualified people that would be considered. I was shocked when I was contacted for an interview, and then truly humbled when I was offered the position. Jamie told me that the committee was looking for a veteran teacher that had strong background in pedagogy and content; someone that was familiar with technology but eager to learn more and easily trainable. Also, someone that people could easily relate to others, and someone that was personable. I was very honored that I fit those descriptions.

It was not an easy decision to give up 13 years in the classroom, leave comfort of familiarity, and begin in a new direction. Jamie made it easy. He is one of the most patient, and supportive supervisors I have ever worked with.

One of my favorite aspects to the work environment that I am in is the collaborative aspect that we have. When we meet, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. I am unceasingly impressed with the quality of interactions that we have. We learn from each other, and we are able to create products that help to support the learning of our teachers and students. I can witness the difference that we make to teachers and I know that translates into student success.

So, if you are an administrator, and you are hoping to build a team, please make sure that you consider the personalities of those you seek to hire. You may have the most skilled person in front of you, but if they can not take a joke then you have undermined your teams cohesiveness and therefore their productivity.

I can not over emphasize the importance of a teams interdependence and cohesiveness. This was never more evident to me when we planned PD for all administration in our district. Our Superintendent and all principals were in attendance. As a team we joined together to support the learning of all those in the room. Not one of us were experts in everything presented, but together there were at least one or two that could address any question about the technology that was being used that day. I am proud to be part of the team, not only because it went very well, and we received lots of positive feedback, but because I knew that I was not alone. I knew that I could rely on my team mates and my director to support me if a question or problem arose that I was not able to address.

I am excited to see our team grow and experience more success as we support the needs of teachers and students in Hays CISD. 

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