
Friday, March 11, 2016

Differentiating instruction

In almost every professional development or inservice training I attend I hear about how we as educators should strive to implement and sustain a classroom that fully plans for differentiated instruction.
When I began teaching I incorrectly thought that meant increasing rigor for those students that needed a challenge. Once I was informed otherwise that I was expected to simultaneously challenge my advanced, reach my on level, and fill in gaps for those behind, I was left in a quandary asking how am I going to accomplish this in 8 hours?

I still don't have a perfect solution and believe that I most likely never will. Every student is unique and has different needs. I read this article and was relieved that differentiated instruction is a necessity and something that we can attain!

The article also discusses teaching with the multiple modalities of learning in mind. Again, this is another very misunderstood aspect of teaching. I was taught that creating and delivering lessons that incorporate the auditory, kinesthetic, and visual aspects were the best for our students. I thought it ironic that studies show most students don't even know which modality they learn best with.

Check out this article, and tell me about your own experience with differentiation and student performance.

My district just recently hosted a twitter chat (#Haysedchat) about differentiation. Here is the storify link Lots of great resources and suggestions throughout this chat, so please, feel free to check it out and participate with us. 8:00pm central, every other Thursday.

So, how do you plan and implement differentiated instruction into your classroom?

Have you found a great way to differentiate using technology?

in your professional development so far this year or in any previous training have you learned of any good ways to differentiate?

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